The next day: I transferred the marinated turkey into another crockpot liner. I laid celery at the bottom acting like a bridge and I scooped the broth that I made or the liquid from marinating the turkey about 1 cup into the crockpot liner as shown below.. Then I put the marinated turkey, rearranged them properly in the crockpot's line. I set the timer on high for an hour or two. Then I set the timer on low for 8 hours. Wella, the turkey is ready at the end of the day. It is indeed very very moist and flavorful!!

Later, I use the cooked turkey broth to make my stirfry veges as show here:

Now, the moment has come for me to reveal my dinner plate.. *drumroll*.. I wish I've a companion to eat this dinner with today.. Unfortunately, he's on the other side of the world.. :(
Anyway, enjoy!!

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