Sunday, October 26, 2008

Banana cake with a twist...

Banana cake

I cheated in making this cake. I used the cake mix box, but I didn't use the eggs though. Instead, I used egg whites that come in a carton (16oz). 3 eggs = 3/4 of this egg whites carton.

The verdict: It tasted so delicious and I think it holds the cake better, and it's light too..

Anyway, it's low in cholasterol and it's a healthy cake too... :)
Why not give it a try, use egg whites ...

1 comment:

mag.nolia said...

Looks good!!! :D The last time I bought cartoned eggs, they were... yellow!! Which means, there was some yellow mixed into it, by accident or not, who knows... They've stopped selling those eggs here. I can only find fresh and sometimes frozen. Very hard to find just white eggs. Good to know the cake turned out great! :)