Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Battling Vertigo..

Not many knows that I suffered from Vertigo.. I didn't know it myself until recently.. I've vertigo since I was young.. It hits me in my mid-teens.. What is vertigo? It's a headache simply put but not simply a headache.. when you start having dizziness, spinning of the floor and rooms and your surroundings, and nausea and vomit and your body just ache and your movement are out of balance.. How long does it last? Depends.. Personally, it took me 24 hours to really get my balance and bearings in the right order..

I'm prone to accident either small or big ones.. since I was very young.. I fell from a high bench and hit my head on the ground.. and had a concussion in a truck accident.. sometimes.. I couldn't hear what others said because my ear started to rings.. Yes, I do have ringing ears where I could hear echoes of what others are saying.. and I tend to try to understand by looking at the facial or lips of the persons when they started to talk thats when I couldn't hear.. Am I deaf? NO! Am not deaf but am partial deaf when the ringings starts.. and when people started to shout and yelled at me.. I couldn't hear them.. thats why my late husband and family didn't yell when am around coz I couldn't hear what they are saying..

When I have vertigo.. a bad one.. I normally try to focus on one thing, and I've to do things in slow motion.. meaning walking slow, talking slow, doing things slow.. and I couldn't lay down to sleep like normal.. I've to sit up for a few hours to get my brain, head and legs and others to be in coordination and balance... Once I get my balance, I try to do other things slowly.. I don't drive when I've vertigo.. I'll put ointments, patches and other medicines.. There're no medicines for vertigo.. I learnt to control and live with it for more than 10 years or so.. Sometimes, I cried hoping that it would go away as fast as it came.. that doesn't work.. When one has vertigo, one need to relax to gain balance.. one cannot be stressed out.. Very important.. relax and stay calm and put ointments: tiger balm on forehead, neck and nose to prevent from fainting..
It's NOT FUN to have vertigo, but I adapt to it..

Anyway, what do I cook to make sure that I regain my health back from Vertigo.. I make chicken soup and porridge (Rice) as shown below.. It's easy.. and I ate half boil eggs.. Enjoy!! Hopefully, you don't suffered from vertigo.. not a fun illness to have...

Coconut Milk Chicken Soup

Rice Porridge with chicken meat and parsley

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